FuzzyRecord documentation

Last updated: 18th January 2009

Working with objects

$user = new User();
$user->first_name = "Ben";
$user->last_name = "Copsey";
$user->email = "ben@allseeing-i.com";
if (!$user->save()) {
$user->agreed_to_terms_and_conditions = true;
$user = User::find_by_email("ben@allseeing-i.com");

See the next section on finding objects for details of the find api.

Dependent objects

$user = new User();
$location_1 = new Location();
$location_1->name = "London";
$location_2 = new Location();
$location_2->name = "Paris";
$photo_1 = new Photo();
$photo_1->location = $location_1;
$photo_2 = new Photo();
$photo_2->location = $location_2;
$user->$photos = array($photo_1,$photo_2);
$user->save(); // Will save all the objects above

In the above example, when $user->save() is called, the following things will happen:

  1. The $user object will be saved
  2. The $user object will save each of the photo objects
  3. Each photo object will save its location

The values of foreign keys are set just before an object is written, so when a foreign key refers to an auto-increment key in another table, it will be set just before that object is written.