Sunday 2 October 2011
Begin v1.1 now available in an App Store near you!
Begin v1.1, my easy to use app for creating easy to read project plans, is available now in the App Store!
This release adds a French localisation (Begin is now in English, German and French), we hope to add more languages soon.
Begin v1.1 also beefs up the export options. Via the new Export & Share dialog, you can now send your plan in iCalendar format - iCalendar files can be imported into iCal and other calendar software.

I’m especially pleased with the new Week-View export feature, which helps make your plans easier to read. Each week of your project now appears on its own page when exporting as PDF (or as a separate image for other formats).

Finally, Begin also has a new website!

We’ve been really pleased with all the positive feedback so far, and I’m planning to add more of the features people are asking for over the coming months.
Posted by Ben @ 1:07 PM